
I rate the quality at 4 . Now I’ll give you the possibilities of the factory:
Preamble I want to tell you how and where I ordered boards in China, as well as how to prepare a project on my own and what to look for. We leave everything as in the picture Layer: Number of layers Apparently they cut from one blank, everything that fit was done. It’s simple, register on the site. There are no living creatures at home, so as a bonus there will be To prepare the software, I chose my favorite CAD program DipTrace. Solder Mask Color: Mask color (better to leave green, it’s cheaper) After placing an order, your project will be audited for specification errors and correctness. You can also click the "Preview" button and make sure that all the top markings are in place. I ordered a two-layer PP 65×60 mm in the amount of 10 pcs. Flying probe test: Here you can select Free for sample test Having monitored domestic offices where you can order software, I was disheartened by the prices, they are clearly losing to their foreign counterparts (in terms of cost), if you do not need ultra-precision, as for spacecraft, and a three-day urgency, then it is better to order in China! I chose this particular office for myself, others for one reason or another did not suit me. Since I have a two-layer PP, we export the "Bottom Marking" in the same way and save the file with the name Bottom_silk. To do this, “File-Export-NC/Drill…”
Silkscreen width 0.25 mm. Let’s move on to the export of traces.

Ordering printed circuit boards from a factory in China

Transition holes: inner diameter 0.5 mm, outer diameter 1 mm. BUT before placing an order on the site, we need to prepare the project itself.
Press the “Auto” button, then “Export” the file named Drill Dimension: PP size in cm Fill in the rest of the fields and confirm. Now we are ready to order PP on the site No manufacturing errors were found. Indicate your e-mail and click "Calculate" The silkscreen is smooth, everything is in its place. />Exported files can be viewed for errors in any Gerber-aware program, such as GerbMagic or Pentalogix Viewmate, the programs are free and easily found on the Internet. Next, you will be prompted to pay for the order, I chose PayPal. Leave the rest of the items by default. Everything. exported files in one folder are saved in the rar archive. After that, photos of your PPs will be sent to you by e-mail.

Let `s start?! Hurrah! We’re almost done. There are no complaints about metallized transitions either. A nice bonus was that 11 boards came instead of 10. Further, how the mail will work, I waited about three weeks. Next, we need to export the mask layers. Click "Export" and save the file with the name Top_mask, similarly export the bottom mask with the name Bottom_mask. Go to the Online Price Calculator. The trails are well laid out. To complete the project, you need to make a printed circuit board (hereinafter referred to as PCB), engage in LUT for such an industrial scale – for me this is the height of masochism, and I wanted factory beauty. Next, select the "Top Marking" item, where "Objects" are indicated, leave the checkboxes by default. Thickness : PCB Thickness (better to leave default 1.6 so it’s cheaper) Letter Color: Silkscreen color We press "Export" and save the file with the name Top_silk. "File-Export-Gerber. »
Upload Files: upload the archive of the previously prepared PCB project. Here is what they sent me. After confirmation of payment, the work is carried out approximately in three days.
Basic ordering items Quantity: PP quantity (minimum order 5 pcs) So, after tracing in DipTrace, we need to export the result to the Gerber file format. There was a tightly sealed package, which was already packed in a pimply film and placed in an ordinary cardboard box, rewound with tape. Select "Upper mask", do not forget to check the boxes for "Transitions" and "Technical holes". Next, export the borders, select "Board Borders", export with the name Border. Please pay attention, we do not put the "Mirror" checkbox anywhere. Regarding the layout of the board, https://jiji.com.et/cars/mercedes_benz-c240-2004 so as not to breed a holivar, this is my first job, a bib, so to speak. According to the review, if I made mistakes somewhere, I think the veterans will correct me 🙂 If I have questions, I will try to answer in the comments or in private.
Select "Apertures", press "Auto" and close the window. We see the window I already see problem areas where I could do better. Greetings to all MySku users! This is my first review, please do not swear strongly, I will take into account constructive criticism. For example, I filled in the fields, after the calculation we see the cost of work, the cost of delivery and its options, and the performance characteristics of the order.
We see the window
Next, click “Upload PCB File, Place Order” Similarly, we export the "Bottom" with the name Bottom. I was satisfied with the quality of the boards, no serious remarks. Somehow I wanted to repeat one of the projects found on the Internet, so much so that there were about a dozen friends who wanted to buy the finished product. The width of the tracks is from 0.3 mm to 0.5 mm with a distance between the tracks of 0.2 mm (there was no point in shrinking). Photo "unpacking", unfortunately, did not. The boards came in a vacuum package. The last item remains, you need to export a file with a description of the coordinates and diameters of all the holes on the board. Select “Top” in the “Objects” field, checkboxes are everywhere, except for “holes” and “dimensions”, export a file called Top. Now a photo of the finished work:
